Financial Group of the 21st Century

Empire Financial & Investment Group

We buy and revitalize Czech companies and projects

We're always one step ahead. Information, activities, contacts, know-how.

The scope of our work

The tradition and success of honest craftsmanship.

The cornerstone of any successful company is business, but many companies often lack sufficient business experience. The sector underestimates or has insufficient activity.

With our deep expertise in this area, embodied in our WeLobby Empire companies and team of professional traders, we are able to effectively expand business opportunities. When a company is purchased, we can quickly and efficiently integrate new acquirers into our business partner ecosystem, giving them access to attractive contracts, new customers and suppliers, and providing better buying terms.

Acquisition opportunities

Non-public acquisition opportunities and how do we access them?

After years of intensive market activity, when we were looking for and facilitating non-public opportunities under the umbrella of WEGA TRADING later WeLobby, we have reached a new phase of our business. We started as intermediaries bringing exclusive offers, often only available to a select few. Our network of contacts led us to the decision to move on. We started financing the most interesting projects ourselves.

Our strategy is to carefully select projects with a high potential to increase value and then participate in the sale or further management of the company and the quality development of the company not only in terms of profit but also in terms of humanity, i.e. better working environment and sustainability.

We believe that joint efforts and profit sharing is the key to long-term success. We look forward to new opportunities and what the future holds.

Our values


At Empire, we believe that with our combined strength and capital we can achieve exceptional results. Our core values are collaboration, reliability and accountability. We build on a solid foundation of traditional values and long-term partnerships, while loving quality innovation and ideas that make the world around us a better place. Our higher purpose is to create an environment where everyone can thrive and find their own path to success, and together build an empire that brings prosperity to everyone involved.

Our specialization

Our specialisation and what it looks like in practice

Our finance group specializes in identifying and acquiring undervalued underlying assets from entrepreneurs who started their businesses in the 1990s and today face the problem of transferring assets or face the inability to continue to manage their businesses due to age.

  • We diversify our assets into various sectors such as real estate, land, energy, technology, waste, manufacturing, transportation, import and export. Our know-how allows us to identify and exploit the untapped potential of these assets, which also includes working with bank debt, subsidies and improving corporate infrastructure.
  • We approach companies as tools that we can improve and develop together with our employees. We leverage synergies between our own and our partner companies to increase their value and efficiency. Our strategy also includes financial education for our employees, which increases their financial literacy and contributes to their personal and professional growth.
  • We leverage our experience with bank debt and grants to maximize market opportunities. We buy out companies either in part or in whole. This is followed by an analysis of the underlying assets and when a partial sell-off is offered, we do so, therefore, trimming the unused assets and leaving only the healthy core of the company to develop further. Our goal is to achieve the overall prosperity of these businesses so that they do not go out of business but instead continue to grow and prosper.

To achieve this, we put the right people in the right places, invest in automation and new technologies, and use our business contacts to connect business activities. This is how we achieve rapid growth and prosperity. We also place emphasis on looking after our employees and creating a pleasant working environment. This is the basis of our thinking and our belief that we can do this business well.


What options do you have as partners and how does the cooperation work?

Partner options

Opportunities for partners:

  • Investment structures: we create and manage specially designed investment structures for each project, which raise capital from investors. The investor holds a stake directly in the project (company) and benefits from the profitability together with us. These structures are designed to efficiently manage assets in combination with bank debt and subsidies to achieve optimal risk spreading and maximise returns.
  • Specialisation in different sectors: we set up structures focused on specific projects and company acquisitions, allowing for a more targeted investment strategy and better value for money through diversification.

Practice for partners

What does it look like in practice?

In practice, this means that their exact characteristics and manner of trading may be governed by individual contracts between the parties and may not be subject to the strict regulations that apply to named securities.

  • Individual approach – this is our motto for the financial group. We treat each of our investors individually and special investment requirements such as complete anonymity and discretion of the investment or special collateral can be accommodated.

  • Regular reports: We provide our investors with regular and detailed reports on the status of their investments and detailed performance, as well as introducing them to new opportunities through a non-public internal newsletter called JV-Platform.

  • Open communication: we maintain transparent communication with our investors so that they are always informed about our strategies and investment decisions. We hold regular meetings and events to discuss other ideas, relationships, relationships and family.

If you’re looking for a partner that will offer you access to exceptional investment opportunities while standing by your side, WeLobby Empire is the right choice. Become our member and partner.


Interested in becoming partners?

At Empire, we believe that with our combined strength and capital we can change the world for the better. Our core values are collaboration, reliability and accountability.

Fill out this information:

About us

WeLobby Empire: How did we get to this point?

Our journey began with a simple but ambitious idea: to connect buyers with business opportunities. We started by meeting with business owners, top executives and entrepreneurs. We listened to their needs, analyzed their projects and found out where the real opportunities lay. This approach allowed us to establish valuable relationships and gain deep market insight. We called ourselves such “business lobbyists” and gave ourselves the name WeLobby.

As time went on, we figured that since we were bringing such superior opportunities we might as well take advantage of them ourselves and since there are more than enough of them, thanks to passing on the assets of the entrepreneurs of the 90’s, we would ask investors for capital, split the profits and buy more of these opportunities, thus the Empire Financial & Investment Group was formed.

At Empire Financial Group, we are inspired by the successful methods and strategies of renowned professionals and investors who have “looked under our noses” even in our careers. We are also inspired by successful entrepreneurs such as our partner Ing. Martin Hanzlík, Robert Kyiosaki and Czech billionaire Daniel Křetínský. These experts have shown through their business activities how to work effectively with capital, underlying assets and bank debt, which is key to our investment activities.

Thanks to our contacts and in-depth market knowledge through WeLobby, we are constantly exploring and analysing the most promising non-public investment opportunities. We follow trends, examine data and reach out to entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. Each quarter we compile the best of what we’ve found and produce a JV Platform newsletter. This exclusive document is sent to our prospects and investors. It contains carefully selected opportunities that we have evaluated together with you as the most interesting.

Our Empire finance group oversees every stage of the project, from planning to completion. We ensure that the project is delivered on time and on budget. Once the project starts generating profits, we share them in proportion to the funds invested.

We look for opportunities that have real potential. We offer access to investments that are not readily available. We invest with you. Our interests are aligned, ensuring maximum care and oversight of each investment. We provide clear and detailed reports on all investment opportunities and their progress.


Let's not wait any longer

Contact Us Today.

If you’re interested in our services or need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We offer consultations and registration for seminars or webinars, where we will present our unique approaches and solutions in detail.

Contact details:

  • Email:
  • Office: Boudníkova 2538/13, 180 00 Praha 8, Palmovka
  • Phone: +420 703 35 23 66
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Other companies

How can we still be useful to each other?

We are part of a wide network of services provided by We Lobby. Our experts can help you make contacts, look at your business problems or advise you on asset sale decisions.

Partners for families

Architects of family businesses

We specialize in the management and structuring of family businesses. We help family businesses with long-term planning, wealth transfer and optimizing their tax obligations so they can continue to grow for generations to come.

Partners for business relations

We Lobby

WeLobby Empire is a dynamic company that specializes in creating and fostering business relationships. Our mission is to connect entrepreneurs with key partners and help them effectively achieve their goals.

Partners for families

Foreign real estate

We offer unique opportunities to invest in foreign real estate. Our specialists can help you with the selection and purchase of turnkey properties, whether you are looking for residential or commercial properties at attractive prices.

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